What causes seizures for infants and what will be the best way to prevent and treat it?
This has been the question that we have been asking and searching, because my daughter (14y) started to have seizure when she was 8 months old. In Western medicine, there are a lot of explanation, but there is no clear answer or solution. If there was, then seizures should be treatable most of the times. But statistically, about one third of the seizures are not treatable and the cause is not known. And the other two thirds, if it was not treated, their journey on medication is a long way to go. Thankfully, Eastern medicine has a good and reasonable explanation on what causes seizures and how we can prevent or treat the seizures for infants.
In Eastern medicine (ancient original, not the modern), they see there is three stages of life: past life, present life, and future life. Past life is where life is started to form from the energy from the creating force, and human life is formed inside the womb, and until the life is delivered out to the world. Present life is until we die from the birth. The future life is life that continues on after we die in this life.
It’s interesting to note that it’s not three separate life, but one life with three stages. During the past life, the baby inside the womb stays in a tight space, mostly, comfortable and quite (this is why it’s important that during pregnancy, the mother’s condition, physical and mental, is vitally important for the well-being of the baby inside the womb). They can feel everything.
Now the transition from the womb into the world is a very scary experience for the baby. It’s more like if we anticipate what death would be like… The mega change from a tight and comfortable space into the limitless space, out into the world- this is a shocking experience, like a trauma. In Korea, it has been a long time tradition that when the baby is born, the care-taker wrap the baby with a clean linen like a burrito, and place the baby in the mother’s bosom. There’s a story of Kangaroo therapy, which ignored in some Western hospital settings. Of course, it’s good to clean the baby up really good, but it’s also equally or more important to stabilize the baby mentally, assimilate the condition that the baby felt inside the womb as much as possible. When I see a bunch of babies that are born separated from their mother, and crying in a laboratory type of setting, seems not a very good idea, even cruel. The fear of being opened to the limitless space are more scared, hearing all these babies crying together, separated from their mother.
The shock that the baby experience can become a trauma. That trauma can continue on for the rest of their lives, if it’s not treated. Some people start to show the symptoms of that trauma early on, and for some, it can manifest later on in their life. The symptoms can be in many different forms and shapes: seizures, incessant crying, indigestion, stiffness, discoloration of skin, unable to blink eyes, depression, insomnia, panic attach, chronic pains, etc. So remember to cuddle your baby when he/she is born. And if she seems having some problem start to seek medical help immediately, especially the natural remedy.